Tuesday 14 July 2020

Unblocking the kitchen sink drain

Over the past month or two the kitchen sink has been draining more and more slowly, and it is now flirting with stopping altogether, making for an unsightly and unsanitary mess.

Blocked kitchen sink

Attacking it with the plunger didn't really improve the situation. So it was time to tackle the issue from both ends, so to speak.

I started first at the external drain, which had merged back into the undergrowth since the last adventure in that area.

Overgrowth regrowth

Out with the gardening gloves, shears and secateurs (I enrolled one of the tykes to do the hack and slash) and the drain hopper emerged again.

Not-so-clean drain hopper

It wasn't sparkling, but there weren't any signs that the drain was blocked (there is a grille over the drain). Pulling out the accumulated detritus and testing the drain with a bucket of water showed that everything was working OK at this end.

Cleared drain hopper

As the drain end was working, I turned to investigate from the plughole end. Once the cupboard under the sink was emptied out dropping off the U‑bend was straightforward, as this is also something I've tackled once before.

Checking the U-bend

Annoyingly it was pretty much clear, meaning that the blockage was somewhere in the permanently fixed part of the waste pipe. I gave it a bit of a hopeful rodding with a battered bottle brush that is only used for filthy jobs, but this didn't seem to make too much difference in terms how it felt to the touch. So I decided to re-attach the 90o compression fitting on to the waste pipe but pointing upwards to use it as a funnel to pour in some drain unblocker I had to hand and left that to do its business for 30 mins.

Perhaps you are thinking that I could have just poured some drain cleaner into the sink in the first place? Possibly, but I would have had to completely fill the U‑bend with the stuff in order to get it back to the blockage further down the pipe; also the external drain hopper wouldn't have been cleared out.

After giving the unblocker some time to work I then put the piping back together, crossed my fingers, and ran some water through the system. Back to normal, thankfully. Now it just remained to clean everything back up and repack the cupboard.


Time taken: 2 hours
Cost: £0.30 worth of drain cleaner

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